Registry Sub-Folders

A large amount of configuration information is maintained in the Windows Registry in sub-folders of the main folder identified by inifile.

Many of these values are dynamic, for example the position of the various Session windows, is maintained in a Registry sub-folder so that their appearance is maintained from one invocation of APL to the next. These types of Registry values are considered to be internal and are therefore not described herein.

However, any Registry Value that is maintained via a configuration dialog box will be named and described in the documentation for that dialog box in Chapter 2.


This contains registry entries that describe your personal AutoComplete options. See Auto Complete Tab.


This contains registry entries to customise the Captions used in the various windows of the Dyalog APL IDE. See Window Captions.


This contains entries that describe the colour schemes you have and your personal preferences. See Colour Selection Dialog.


This contains certain entries for the Editor.

Event Viewer

This contains entries that describe your settings for the Event Viewer. See UI Guide: The Event Viewer.


This contains entries that describe your settings for the Workspace Explorer. See UI Guide: The Workspace Explorer Tool.


This contains the size of your recently used file list (see General Tab) and the list of your most recently loaded workspaces.


This contains the definitions of your Keyboard Shortcuts (Unicode Edition only). See Keyboard Shortcuts Tab.


This contains the Registry Keyboard mappings between keystrokes and APL characters (Unicode Edition only). See UI Guide: Registry KeyboardUnicode Edition and the Registry Keyboard.


This contains the definitions of the symbols, tips, and help for the symbols in the LanguageBar.


This contains the entries for your Printer Setup options. See Print Configuration Dialog Box.


This contains entries for SALT. See The Configuration Dialog Box.


This contains dynamic entries for the Find Objects Tool. See UI Guide: Find Objects Tool.


This contains entries to remember your preferences for Threads. See UI Guide: The Threads Menu.


This contains entries for the Dyalog Unicode IME.


This contains entries for your Value Tips preferences. See UI Guide: Value Tips.


This contains entries to maintain the position of various Session tool windows so that they remain consistent between successive invocations of APL.

Array Editor

The Array Editor stores its settings in the following registry sub-folder:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\\Array Editor\1.1\Options